Forging Forward provides services and activities to active duty and veteran military and first responders, and Gold Star Families to enhance daily living. Healing begins by finding the strengths of an individual and using those strengths through encouragement and sharing to inspire learning and advance knowledge, which ultimately strengthens local and global communities. Activities and services focus on the elimination of suicide among active duty and veteran military and first responders through connectivity and friendship.
To create an every day life filled with friendship, motivation, flexibility, quality and individual pride.
Forging Forward works to keep the lines open between the participants and Forging Forward staff, as well as other participants, ensuring continued skills growth and building on strengths. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to moving the needle to help grow what is STRONG with our Military Veterans, Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, 911 Dispatch Operators, other First Responders and their families to meet our mission and vision.
Forging Forward recognizes that suicide is rarely caused by any single factor - which means there are multiple pathways for prevention. Research shows that many people who die by suicide are not known to have a diagnosed mental health condition
at the time of death.
The good news? Suicide Prevention is possible.
Forging Forward encourages active duty and Military and First Responder Veterans to reach out to a buddy, coach, family, co-worker, or professional when the load feels too heavy to carry alone, with a focus on getting professional assistance to work through stress and/or trauma related to war wounds, job, relationships, substance use, physical health, money, legal, or housing stress.
Forging Forward's ultimate goal is the elimination of suicide among our active duty and Military and First Responder Veterans.
Bobby Henline composed "Not A Day Goes By" to honor the four troops in the Humvee with him who died on April 7, 2007. Isaac Lord is the singer.
Our hearts and prayers are with their family and friends:
Proceeds from the song benefit Forging Forward, to continue the mission of helping others.
FORSCOM Frontline Podcast with Ashley interviews Bobby Henline. He talks about life, what forging forward means, the foundation, and how to build your toolbox to deal with PTSD, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.
Forging Forward works with Military Veterans to help heal visible and invisible wounds from all conflicts of war.
Forging Forward works with Firefighters to help heal visible and invisible wounds of emergency response.
Forging Forward works with Law Enforcement Officers to help heal visible and invisible wounds of emergency response.
Forging Forward works with Correctional Officers to help heal visible and invisible wounds of day to day insults, assaults, and threats they experience.
Forging Forward works with 911 Dispatch Operators to help heal visible and invisible wounds of emergency response.
Forging Forward works with EMS to help heal visible and invisible wounds of emergency response.
Give customers a reason Forging Forward works with Gold Star Families to forge connectivity, camaraderie, memories, and honor. to do business with you.
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ATTN: Jamie Henline
Greensburg, KY 42743
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